Nikkei Samurai: Japanese Swords and the Military Intelligence Service
Past Exhibitions
Nikkei Samurai: Japanese Swords and the
Military Intelligence Service
Date Run: 7/24/18 – 8/26/18
Nikkei Samurai explored the role of Japanese American World War II soldiers of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) played in the preservation of the samurai sword.
Japanese Americans in the MIS made vital contributions to both the victory in the Pacific Theater and the successful Occupation of Japan. This select group of soldier-linguists used their understanding of Japanese language and culture to translate captured documents, monitor enemy transmissions and interrogate prisoners of war.
The exhibition invited guests to explore the beauty of the Japanese sword and its fittings through pieces from the collection of MIS veterans, as well through superb examples of blades and fittings dating from Japan’s feudal era to present day.
Image from Nikkei Samurai: Japanese Swords and the Nisei Veterans exhibition, 2017.
Image from Nikkei Samurai: Japanese Swords and the Nisei Veterans exhibition, 2017.