The 442nd Medical Detachment was led by Major Clarence H. Buckley, MD. The 442nd unit included officers, who were either in medicine or dentistry, and enlisted Nisei, who either had received first aid training as Boy Scouts, served in emergency assistance2 or had no medical or first aid training at all.3 The medical teams thus comprised doctors, dentists, special assistants, aid men, litter bearers, and drivers.
Medics were recognized by the red crosses they wore on their helmets and sometimes on armbands. Aid men administered first aid onsite to the wounded.
Litter bearers would assess the wounded and evacuate them as needed. If evacuated, they would be treated by doctors at forward aid stations. If the wounds were superficial, they were treated at the stations and returned to their companies. If the wounds were more severe, they would be transferred to field hospitals. Those who died were placed in “mattress” bags, and placed in the care of Headquarters Company.4
In the mountainous regions of France and Italy, the evacuation of the wounded was particularly difficult because of the rough terrain and the long distances to the aid stations. Because of this, the medics set up relay stations where minimal but vital emergency services were given, like blood transfusions and the administering of morphine, to help soldiers with serious wounds. Still, many died from exposure or loss of blood due to the delay in getting treatment. At times, the 100th’s front line was so far from an aid station that the evacuation of the wounded required up to 10 four-man litter teams.7 Aid trucks were also often thwarted by muddy roads and wet or snowy conditions.
Above everything else, medics were trained to not risk their lives to render aid. However, despite this training, most medics would not hesitate to run to a soldier’s aid if he called for help.8
In combat, aid men were attached to line companies so that they would be readily available to help their team. Within the 442nd, each platoon had one medic, thus each line company had a total of three medics. Since each battalion had four companies, there were a total of 12 aid men within each battalion. Litter bearers were also part of the medical section. The remaining men were assigned to headquarters companies and reassigned to the line companies as was necessary.9
In late June 1944 near Sassetta, Italy, Technician Fifth Grade Tadasu Eddie Onaka worked the aid station during the first few days of combat for the 100th Infantry Battalion/442nd RCT. The men came in shivering, likely from the shock of their first experiences seeing death and the wounded. Onaka recalled:
We tried to keep them warm with blankets but it didn’t help much. We found out later that they were suffering from ‘battle fatigue.’ The [medical] training we had at Camp Shelby helped in coping with the situation we encountered. As the war progressed, I felt more confident carrying out my duties.10
In combat, aid men were attached to line companies so that they would be readily available to help their team. Within the 442nd, each platoon had one medic, thus each line company had a total of three medics. Since each battalion had four companies, there were a total of 12 aid men within each battalion. Litter bearers were also part of the medical section. The remaining men were assigned to headquarters companies and reassigned to the line companies as was necessary.9
Despite the Geneva Convention rules that dictated that non-combat medics had special protection and were identified by the universal emblem of a red cross, the medics were often targeted, whether deliberately or by accident.11 At all times they were in danger simply because they were the enemy. The Red Cross insignia which appeared on their helmets, armbands, or both often did not protect them from being fired upon, and may have even made them easier targets. Further, as medical personnel, they were not allowed to carry weapons.
Yet the medics persevered, and they often put themselves in harm’s way to help their team. On January 10, 1944, Sergeant Kiyoshi “Jimmie” Shiramizu of the 100th medical team was hit in the abdomen during the approach to Monte Cassino. Despite the severity of his own condition, he insisted that the other wounded soldiers be evacuated before him. He told Chaplain Israel Yost and the battalion surgeon, “Since I’m a medic, I want to be the last of the litter cases to be carried down the hill. I can take it. Let the others get back first.”
The last to be evacuated, Shiramizu “waved a cheery goodbye” to them as the litter bearers led him away. He died four days later at an Army hospital in Italy, less than one month before his 25th birthday.12
The first 442nd medic to be killed was Technician Fourth Grade George Sawada in an occupied area near Molino a Ventoabbato on July 5, 1944.13 Sawada was hit by a sniper as he walked in line behind a fellow medic bearing a Red Cross flag on a staff.14 Just ten days later, another medic, Private First Class Henry Hayashida, was shot in the abdomen by another sniper.15
In fact, in the first 220 days of combat for the 100th/442nd in Europe, ten 442nd medics and five 100th infantry medics died. Others were declared MIA by headquarters and were either captured as POWs or killed in action and found later.1
On January 11, 2001, in a speech given at the Hawai’i Army Museum’s Hall of Heroes Induction Ceremony, Senator Daniel Inouye aptly summed up the medics’ contribution of the to the Nisei soldiers:
For those of us who were privileged to serve in the infantry, we have always considered that some of the bravest men in our units were the medics. After all, when you are wounded, you don’t call for your mother. You call out, ‘Medic!’ And the medic never stops. He never pauses. He rushes forward in a hail of fire.17
Inouye himself credited the saving of his life to Company E medic Technician Fourth Grade Yeiichi “Kelly” Kuwayama, who rendered aid to him in an April 1945 near-fatal attack during the Po Valley campaign.18
In spite of the medics’ bravery in battle, the government would not award them the Combat Infantryman Badge, which at the time came with a $10/month stipend, a considerable amount for a soldier.19 However, perhaps the greater disappointment than the denial of the $10 bonus was the lack of recognition for their efforts. They were instead awarded with the Combat Medical Badge, a decoration that came with no stipend.20 The War Department rationalized that the medics needed to retain their non-combatant status under the Geneva Convention.
18Terry Shima, 2014, 442nd Combat Medic Kelly Kuwayama Has Passed Away: Saved Senator Inouye’s Life In Po Valley Campaign, accessed on February 15, 2015 .